The study of isotopes suggests that men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

In orange, the location of the Barmaz site, looking south. It is located on the plain, at the foot of the Chablais massif, which rises to an altitude of 2500 m. The site is divided into two contemporary burial areas called Barmaz I (dark blue) and Barmaz II (light blue) (Honegger and Desideri 2003, modified). … Read more

$20 minimum wage in California led to higher fast food prices, less traffic, study shows

CABIA President Tom Manzo joined ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss how the minimum wage increase has affected the fast food industry as thousands are forced out of work. California’s new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers has already caused restaurant prices to rise and foot traffic to drop since it went into effect on … Read more

Study links brain region to paranoia

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Summary: Researchers discovered that a specific area of ​​the brain, the mediodorsal thalamus, can provoke feelings of paranoia. Comparing data from monkey and human studies, they found that lesions in this brain region led to disordered behavior and increased perceptions of environmental instability. The study provides a new framework for understanding human cognition through cross-species … Read more