NASA’s persistence crosses an ancient river to achieve the scientific objective

Stitched together from 18 images taken by NASA’s Perseverance rover

Originally thought of as little more than a road without rocks slowing the rover, Neretva Vallis has offered a wealth of geological options for the science team. After swerving across a dune field to avoid rocks that rattle the wheels, NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover reached its latest area of ​​scientific interest on June 9. The … Read more

Ancient ocean slowdown warns of coming climate chaos

By analyzing the chemistry of shells like these, scientists can learn about the temperature and movement of ancient ocean waters. Credit: Brian T. Huber/Smithsonian Institution When it comes to the ocean’s response to global warming, we’re not in completely uncharted waters. A UC Riverside study shows that episodes of extreme heat in Earth’s past caused … Read more

NASA’s persistence crosses an ancient river to achieve the scientific objective

Overlaid on an image from NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter, this map shows the path of Persistence between January 21 and June 11. The white dots show where the rover stopped after completing a pass near the Neretva Vallis river channel. The pale blue line shows the path of the rover inside the channel. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University … Read more

NASA’s persistence uncovers ancient geological secrets on Mars

Nasa's Perseverance Uncovers Ancient Geological Secrets On Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has made significant strides in its mission to uncover the geological history of Mars by exploring the ancient Neretva Vallis river channel. Originally thought to be just a clear path with no rocks slowing the rover, Neretva Vallis it has turned out to be a geological treasure. After navigating a challenging dune … Read more